Red Velvet
A stunning bouquet featuring 25 vibrant red roses, arranged in a lush design. Each rose is in full bloom, showcasing velvety petals that radiate passion and beauty. Tied together with a delicate satin ribbon, it exudes elegance and romance, perfect for special occasions or heartfelt expressions of love. This striking arrangement is sure to captivate and inspire.
PRIMA chooses the best in seasonal produce. Please note flower varieties may change depending on climate and availability with growers. Due to the perishable nature of flowers, the lifespan varies from bloom to bloom. The flowers pictured are for color reference only, flower type may vary from season to season. We always create a new and custom look. So every time you order, it is made just for You!
$150.00 Original price was: $150.00.$120.00Current price is: $120.00.